Wednesday, February 6, 2008

A Special Request

To all you bloggers out in blog land that happen to come across this post, please pray for my daughter. She is my first born, she is 27, has a husband and a 6 month old baby boy (whom I adore). She found a "thickening" in her breast last week and I told her to go to her gynecologist and have it checked out - fully expecting the doctor to tell her it was something completely normal after breast feeding but she thought it needed further investigation so she sent my daughter for an ultrasound and a mammogram. She went today and after the ultrasound, mammogram and then several spot compressions, they have decided that they need to do a biopsy. So I would ask all of you to please pray for her - her biopsy is this Monday, February 11th. I really think that it could be something hormonal since she went through a very stressful pregnancy with a very rare condition called vasa previa as well as complete placenta previa. She started bleeding 6 weeks before the baby was due and stayed in the hospital until they did a C-section and she lost 1700 cc's of blood instantly. The baby was 5 weeks early and spent nearly a week in the Neonatal ICU. Very, very stressful times.

When you say your prayers, please send up an extra prayer for my precious daughter.


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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I will certainly pray for your daughter, you and your entire family.