I am not sure how this blog thing goes - do I just write what is going on in my life every few days or discuss things I've learned during my 47 years on earth or what? If you want to know what is going in my life then I will tell you the latest. Last week, Monday to be exact, I woke up with an abscessed tooth which I had never had before. I went to the dentist and the abscessed tooth was one that had had a root canal and a cap. Hmmmm.....I thought that is why I had a root canal and cap to start with but evidently I had cracked the root, it was abscessed and it had to come out. So, the dentist started me on an antibiotic and set up my appointment with an oral surgeon for removal of the bad tooth. Well...........the infection penetrated my sinus cavity and I have to say, that is the sickest I have been in a long time. So yesterday, I go to have my tooth extracted and the receptionist totally scared me to death. I went in there just in a hurry (as always) to get my tooth taken out and by the time they were numbing my tooth I was fighting back the feeling to get up and flee. You know the "fight or flight syndrome"? Well, flight was overcoming me in full force. I pushed through it (a major victory for me) cause I knew I would be coming home to this.............
Isn't he precious? Being a Grandmother is so much different than being a Mother. It is hard to describe but it is so much less stress. I don't know why I just know it is. And this is my week to watch him so it was hard to even keep the appointment but I sure didn't want the infection to return so now I am glad it is over with.
That's my story and I'm stickin to it.........
Til next time,
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