Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Interesting Stuff....

I can't credit whoever wrote this and I would if I could, but I am going to post it anyway. I would like to live my life like this:

Life is too short to wake up with regrets. So love the people who treat you right. Forget about the one's who don't. Believe everything happens for a reason. If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands. If it changes your life, let it. Nobody said life would be easy, they just promised it would be worth it.

Words to live by......

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

And so it begins......

Hello everyone,

I am having one of those days where you realize how old you are and then you wonder "Is this it?, Is this all there is?" It is time to start planning our 30 year high school reunion. 3o years. That is a really. long. time. We had our first meeting last week and sorted out who would find who and how, where we should have it, when, etc. etc. I remember for our 10th class reunion we fundraised for over a year and planned it down to the tiniest detail. We burned ourselves out so badly that for the 20th reunion, none of the original crew would have anything to do with planning it. I remember I only went to the Friday night festivities because our family was leaving for the beach the next morning bright and early. Of course, that is when all my kids lived at home and the stepkids who hadn't moved in with us yet were with us for the summer. I couldn't have cared less about my 20th class reunion. That was the busiest time of my life. My oldest child had just graduated (which means she is planning her 10 year reunion) and the rest were 14, 12, 11, and 10. We were busy. Busy beyond belief. Funny thing, I can hardly remember that period of my life...........

Anyway, back to the subject - my 30th reunion. When I was younger, I used to think my 30th reunion would be so much different than it is going to be. Is it because all of us are in denial about our age? I thought that my husband would be bald (at least on top) and gray, and I would be in the phase of going to the beauty shop once a week to "get my hair done". When we graduated, it seemed like the 30 year reunion was a lifetime away - and yet - here it is.

I wonder if I am at the beginning of a mid-life crisis? I can't believe this is all there is. With the exception of babysitting my beautiful grandson my life is totally boring. I used to work 8-5, run home and fix dinner and then we always had some sort of ballgame to go to - either for cheerleading or for the boys who were playing. On the weekends my girls used to cheer for a competitive cheerleading squad and we were at they gym all weekend for practicing. You know the competitions you see on ESPN? That is they type of cheerleading I am talking about. The kind that actually is a sport. My daughter was interviewed on ESPN once - that was pretty cool! She also won 2 National Championships before she graduated so that was REALLY cool! Back then, I couldn't wait until the last game was over and the last check had been written because after 5 children, I WAS TIRED. But now I am bored. Again I ask - is that all there is? To be bone tired or bored silly? Where is the in-between? And please don't tell me to take up a hobby because I am so not artistic enough to do any sort of crafts. All I know is accounting and raising children.

So I am making up the questionairre that will go out to everyone and when I think of my answers, I am blank. What do I do now? Nothing. What does your spouse do? Oh, well he is very successful but he is out of town. every. week. without. exception. I could go with him but the 18 year old (boy) that still lives at home would have a blow-out party - there is no doubt in my mind about that - and I couldnt go with him every other week because I babysit my grandson those weeks and I wouldn't give that up for a.n.y.t.h.i.n.g - he is the only thing that I look forward to. And where it says to list my accomplishments - well, my whole life has centered around my kids so I really didn't accomplish anything except to raise a bunch of kids and be totally involved in everything they do. I did that because I knew what it felt like not to have anyone at my "stuff" to watch me and I never wanted them to feel that way. My mom and dad are great but they just didn't get too involved with my older brother and me because my younger brother and sister were much younger and they were busy with them. I guess I kind of understand that but I also don't understand at the same time - but that is for another post! What will my answers on my questionairre be? And at the same time, who cares? Maybe I won't even go, maybe we will plan our vacation for the same time and I will tragically be out of town. My 2 best friends in the whole world from high school are still my best friends now and I get to see and talk to them anytime I want - which is great. I am very thankful for my true friends because I realize they are hard to come by.

I guess the problem isn't really my class reunion - I guess it is because I am going through a phase where I am really wondering if this is all there is. I know the alternative is death and I certainly don't want to die but if every day from now til I am 90 years old is going to be the same then.........ugh. Any suggestions out there?


Monday, February 18, 2008

Great News and Wait News........

Hey everyone!

Nikki just called from the surgeon's office and we have GREAT news and more "we have to wait" news. The tissue the surgeon took out last week was totally benign - Praise the Lord!!! but he would like to recheck her in 6 weeks to be sure. He doesnt like the shadow on the ultrasound and wants to make sure the samples he took last week were in the exact right spot. If there is any change in that shadow in 6 weeks, he will take the whole mass out - if there is no change then he will feel comfortable that she is fine.

He said if he had any reason to think she had cancer, he wouldn't wait the 6 weeks but he is being very thorough because he doesn't like the shadow.

So..............there you have it - I think that God is teaching me to trust him and only him and to stay sane, that is exactly what I will have to do. Thank you guys so much for your thoughts and prayers, please keep saying your prayers for us!!!!

Happy Monday,


PS....While trying to trust and rely on God, I am fighting the urge to develop my sudden onset Tourette's Syndrome - the uncontrollable cussing kind because I DON'T LIKE TO WAIT!!!! Sometimes when I am completely stressed, my sudden onset Tourette's Syndrome reels its ugly head. I am in no way poking fun at anyone that truly suffers from that condition so I hope no one is offended, but sometimes I just can't help it!

Monday, February 11, 2008

Great Preliminary News

Hi Everyone,

Thank You to all of you who have been praying for my daughter, Nikki. The biopsies went well, the doctor took 2 tissue samples and told Nikki he felt that they were fibrocycstic tissue but they won't know for sure until the pathology report comes back. She will see the doctor next Monday so please keep praying that his original observation is what it turns out to be. I can't thank all of you enough for praying for her.


Wednesday, February 6, 2008

A Special Request

To all you bloggers out in blog land that happen to come across this post, please pray for my daughter. She is my first born, she is 27, has a husband and a 6 month old baby boy (whom I adore). She found a "thickening" in her breast last week and I told her to go to her gynecologist and have it checked out - fully expecting the doctor to tell her it was something completely normal after breast feeding but she thought it needed further investigation so she sent my daughter for an ultrasound and a mammogram. She went today and after the ultrasound, mammogram and then several spot compressions, they have decided that they need to do a biopsy. So I would ask all of you to please pray for her - her biopsy is this Monday, February 11th. I really think that it could be something hormonal since she went through a very stressful pregnancy with a very rare condition called vasa previa as well as complete placenta previa. She started bleeding 6 weeks before the baby was due and stayed in the hospital until they did a C-section and she lost 1700 cc's of blood instantly. The baby was 5 weeks early and spent nearly a week in the Neonatal ICU. Very, very stressful times.

When you say your prayers, please send up an extra prayer for my precious daughter.


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Hey guys!
I am activiating my buzzfuse account and so I have to post this entry to activate. Nothing new to report, just activating an account. Come back and see me soon, though!

Til next time,

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Sunday, February 3, 2008


Ok, so the reason I haven't kept you "up to date" on how the diet is working is because there hasn't been a diet to blog about. I never got started. So my earnest blog entry turned into a big lie. I am sorry - I had good intentions, I really did.

Now I have decided I am going to look into having the Lap Band surgery. For some reason, I just don't think I can do it on my own. Anyone out there that has any knowledge or experience with this type of weight loss surgery, please email me at sym38@aol.com

Good or bad information, I would like to know everything I can find out about it. Thanks a bunch!!!

Til next time,